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icosa 0.11.1 - 2024-08-16

CRAN release: 2024-08-16


  • The arcs() function to visualize great circle paths between multiple points.
  • missing support of sfc-class objects for the occupied function (OccupiedFaces method)
  • CITATION entry


  • Grids can now be created without attaching the package
  • Plotting methods of loosely related data items
  • Issues with the defense of the arcdistmat() function


  • The underutilized faces() function now returns only the row names of grids and facelayer objects.

icosa 0.11.0 - 2023-03-21

CRAN release: 2023-03-23


  • resample,facelayer,SpatRaster-method
  • resolution based grid creation, e.g. hexagrid(deg=5)
  • Resolution guides for both the ‘hexagrid’ and ‘trigrid’ classes (hexguide and triguide, respectively), 120 grids each
  • Package webpage as URL in DESCRIPTION
  • Interface for the sf package.
  • The newsf() function
  • plot,vector,trigrid-method for plotting data with sf’s methods
  • new example data: NaturalEarth land polygons
  • new slot for the trigrid class for sf-type representation
  • occupied() - support for ‘sf’-type input
  • the gridensity() spatial density estimator


  • Dependency moved to R 3.5.0 due to serialized R objects (guides)
  • Changed basic reference from 1980 authalic sphere to ESRI:37008
  • The proj4string (PROJ4) slot of trigrid was replaced by crs (sf)
  • plot,trigrid-method now uses the sf-type as the basis of plotting
  • Omitted suggested package ‘raster’ and replaced it with ‘terra’
  • The occupied() function no by default returns a named vector
  • The vignettes are now html vignettes
  • the ‘tessguide’ object is renamed to ‘hexguide


  • Dependency on raster and rgdal
  • OSM z1 land polygons

icosa 0.10.1 - 2021-01-12

CRAN release: 2021-01-12


  • fixed warnings when the spherical datum of the grids were loaded
  • added checks for the suggested rgl package
  • minor documentation changes

icosa 0.10.0 - 2020-02-15

CRAN release: 2020-02-17


  • vignette was cut for performance optimization
  • documentation was systematically revised

icosa 0.9.88 (build 1015) - 2020-02-09


  • documentation for the ‘tessguide’ dataset
  • ‘legend’ argument to faces3d method of facelayer


  • the locate() function’s main arguments were renamed to ‘x’ and ‘y’ with S4 dispatch for ‘y’
  • the surfacecentroid() function is rewritten with S4 method dispatch, with main argument of ‘x’
  • corrected roxygen tags for S3 methods
  • minor documentation corrections, package ready for CRAN resubmission

icosa 0.9.88 (build 1014) - 2020-02-09


  • long at lat arguments to the CarToPol() function’s data.frame-method


  • CarToPol() and PolToCar() functions rewritten with S4 method dispatch
  • main function argument of CarToPol() and PolToCar() is now ‘x’ instead of ‘longLatMat’ and ‘matXYZ’

icosa 0.9.88 (build 1013) - 2020-02-04


  • proper usage (roxygen tags before “function”) for triggering help files in case of namespace conflicts.


  • Reorganization of Roxygen tags: removed all aliases, -method bullshit

icosa 0.9.88 (build 1012) - 2020-02-04


  • rgl package moved to Suggests from Depends, freeing the package from its grasp
  • plot3d() rewritten as S3 from S4
  • rgl dependent functions have warnings to instruct installation.

icosa 0.9.88 (build 1011) - 2020-02-04


  • Collate field for DESCRIPTION


  • R file structure

icosa 0.9.88 (build 1010) - 2020-02-03


  • conditional generic declaration to values<-
  • conditional generic declaration to resample()
  • conditional generic declaration to values()
  • conditional generic declaration to rotate()


  • complete NAMESPACE cleanup with roxygen
  • package ‘raster’ moved from ‘Imports’ to ‘Suggests’


  • old vignette

icosa 0.9.87 (build 1009) - 2019-08-20


  • Dynamic sp resolution setting
  • proper NEWS file
  • suppressed warnings when triangles are produced
  • ‘breaks’, ‘inclusive’, ‘discrete’ arguments added for facelayer plotting method.


  • The default colour value of the facelayer plotting function is changed to ‘heat’.
  • The heatmap generation of the facelayer plotting methods is completely rewritten.
  • The default of ‘alpha’ of the facelayer-plotting argument is changed to NULL.


  • the minVal and maxVal argument of heatMapLegend()


  • Bug in the heatMapLegend() function that cause the legend to miss the last colour.

icosa 0.9.86 (build 1008) - 2019-05-02


  • Proper projection treatment during the 3d plotting of sp-type objects. (Thanks to Dominik Jaskierniak for reporting the error).


  • The ‘radius’ argument is added to the rgl-extension 3d plotting functions.


  • The ‘inner’ argument of the surfacecentroid() and chullsphere() functions is deprecated.

icosa 0.9.85 (build 1001) - 2019-03-05


  • the cellocator() function
  • added the namedorder argument of the vicinity() function

icosa 0.9.84 - 2018-12-03


  • the strict argument to the chulshere() function - unfinished!
  • the tessellation guide (tessguide) object is added to the package

icosa 0.9.83 - 2018-10-27


  • ‘legend’ argument for the facelayer method of ‘plot()’, to disable the plotting of the legend
  • the surfacechullsphere() function to calculate areas of spherical convex hulls

icosa 0.9.82 - 2018-09-27

Rebuilt from previous version.


  • vignette structure update
  • vignette now uses z1 OpenStreetMap land polygons instead of z3
  • the package no longer requires the ‘rgdal’ package, which is only used for projection changes


  • added compatibility for up-to-date Rcpp versions
  • explicit self-assignment compilation warning with clang 7.0.0

Known issues

  • warnings produced by sp::Polygons function - will be corrected shortly

icosa 0.9.81 - 2017-04-18

CRAN release: 2017-04-18


  • memory deallocation issues
  • SpPolygons(): zenith/nadir face issue
  • unnecessary ‘rgdal’ namespace import

icosa 0.9.80 (first Beta) - 2017-04-17

CRAN release: 2017-04-17


  • the locate() function was updated to version 6.0, now incorporating the ‘randomborders’ argument
  • the occupied() function was rebuilt on the locate() function
  • the centers() shorthand was added to the quick extraction of the facecenters
  • major work on the help files
  • the value replacement method of the gridlayer was extended to host lat/long indicators
  • added logical subsetting to the facelayer
  • bugfix for the x86 application of SpPolygons()

icosa 0.8.61 - 2017-04-09


  • igraph is added as related content
  • the function gridgraph() is implmented for ‘trigrid’ and for ‘facelayer’ classes
  • fixed bug in OccupiedFaces() for SpatialPolygons
  • the @graph slot has been added to the ‘trigrid’ class to host ‘igraph’ class graph representations
  • package namespace is cleaned up to include only importing namespaces, only the rgl package is a dependency
  • the newgraph() function is added to the package
  • added an Rcpp function to interpolate 3d lines
  • the gridgraph() function is added for the ‘hexagrid’ class, and the class constructor is upgraded to include it
  • the vicinity() function replaced the neighbours() function
  • the class of the values is now printed to the console, when the show method of the facelayer is called
  • the tesselation and class of the source grid is now added to the gridlayer class, along with a function that checks the linked grid’s compatibility to the facelayer
  • the translate() function is added to the package for fast reposition of translated grids to the origin
  • the chullsphere() and surfacecentroid() functions were added to the packages
  • resampling methods were added for the ‘hexagrid’
  • igraph representation was added to the vignette

icosa 0.8.16 - 2017-02-17


  • the shapes() function is added to the package. It will calculate a value that is proportional to the irregularities of the triangular faces or subfaces.
  • character values in facelayers will be plotted with random colors
  • rgdal dependecy of spTransorm() was properly resolved
  • the missing belts slot of the hexagrid class was filled
  • fixed missing invalid input message for PolToCar() function.
  • grid resolution is now displayed with the show() method.
  • the group generics Ops, Math, and Summary were implemented for the facelayer.
  • basic functions of the ‘stats’ packages were implemented
  • latitude and longitude-wise selection was implemented to the facelayer subsetting method
  • resampling of ‘facelayer’ objects to based on ‘trigrid’ classes was applied in the program: downscaling
  • added 2d plotting scheme for ‘facelayers’, where the values of the facelayer are exclusively colours


  • the deprecated argument “border” is no longer available for the user interface of locate()

icosa 0.8.0 (Alpha) - 2016-11-25


Pre-alpha versions were not registered.